Watch the Money Tour and Videos
Take a look at the Money Tour and Instructional Videos to get acquainted with some of the most important areas of Money.

  • On the Help menu, point to Instructional Videos, and then click a title.

Titles for Microsoft Money Plus Deluxe available are:

  • The Money Tour reviews the most popular features, like automatic account (A group of transactions in Money for a single bank, brokerage, retirement, loan, or credit card account. Accounts can also track assets such as houses or vehicles, or investments that you want to watch but do not own. See also watch account.) updates, online bill pay, and budgets and reports to keep you on top of your day-to-day finances.
  • Manage your accounts demonstrates tasks such as setting up your accounts, editing transactions, making adjustments ((Essential Account Register only) A payment or deposit that has been made but hasn’t yet cleared the bank. The adjusted balance shows how much will be in your account after payments or deposits clear the bank. ) , and linking your transactions with bill paying and budget features.
  • Pay bills online shows how to use the bill calendar to see at-a-glance which bills are due, and how to quickly pay them online with MSN Bill Pay or another bill pay service.
  • Create a budget gets you started selecting your favorite budget categories, tracking your spending with the spending meters, and comparing your budget plans to actual spending.


The Money tour and videos are not available in the trial version of Money.

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Watch the Money Tour and Videos